A Brief History Of Medicare
Posted: January 21, 2021
Americans began receiving Medicare benefits after 1965, when President Lyndon Johnson signed the legislation into law. But the cause actually started with Teddy Roosevelt, who ran for president in 1912 on a platform that included national health insurance. The following is a brief sketch of Medicare events after President Roosevelt. November 19, 1945: President Harry Truman asked Congress to create a national health insurance fund,...
What Makes Hotel and Motel Hospitality Insurance Different from Other Business Insurance?
Posted: January 19, 2021
Hospitality insurance is different from other business insurance because the industry faces a wider range of risks. A hotel or motel business owner’s policy (BOP) should cover property and assets, protect against liability, and keep you in compliance with state and federal regulations for employers. Our knowledgeable agent can custom-tailor a hotel and motel hospitality insurance package that meets your business needs. Liability Coverage for...
Driving Tips for Long Trips
Posted: January 16, 2021
Setting out on the open road can be an exciting adventure, but you need to plan in advance to avoid fatigue and the risk of crashing. The following driving tips can help you maximize the fun and minimize the risks of embarking on a long road trip. Get a Vehicle Checkup Before a trip, make sure your car is in good operating condition. At a...
How NOT to Drive in Winter Weather
Posted: January 15, 2021
Winter driving has its challenges. But throw an inexperienced — or inconsiderate — driver into the mix, and your daily commute can get much more difficult. It’s always aggravating when other drivers put you at risk. Getting stuck behind a driver who is spinning their tires or not paying attention isn’t just annoying…it’s dangerous. Related: The 7 Biggest Winter Driving Myths, Debunked Winter driving calls...
What Happens if I Withdraw My 401(k) Early?
Posted: January 13, 2021
A 401(k) is a company-sponsored retirement plan that gives employees a tax break on the portion of their salary they contribute to the plan. Contributions are automatically withdrawn and invested in funds of the employee’s choosing, and employers have the option to match contributions. 401(k) plans are designed for retirement savings. Early withdrawal of funds carries heavy penalties under normal circumstances. How Soon Can You...